March… into April

17796047_10154946905265469_158888210852508942_n (1)Hello -March into April – 2 recordings, 2 visits and a sharing with   Peace Sound’s 2 Monica Max West

Spring is budding and our co-house garden is coloured with blossom – damson, (above) apple and pear.

So goes with the words of the first song I have to share this post ‘So Around’, written in loving memory of my Nana Swan, who loved to garden. I began recording this on some mornings during the Plum Village project and returned to it in the last month.

Amongst many things Nana Swan was a gardener, a letter writer and a lover of family (each of these in the three verses). This song came a year or so after Nana passed – in her diary we found this quote –

‘It’s not the days you’ve lived but the love you’ve given and things you did’ – comes in the last verse.

Appreciation again to Tom Robinson at BBC 6 music for including this in the recent BBC Introducing mixtape. Songwriters, the ever open hearted Tom listens to all music sent through – you can find the show here 

Two visits to play at this month – Kirby Misperton Protection Camp and London’s The Karma Kitchen.

Recently set up to raise awareness of plans to extract oil with fracturing (fracking) in North Yorkshire, the Kirby Misperton Camp is a loving community of environmentalists living there in the beautiful Yorkshire moors.

Among them, Eddie, a friend from Plum Village and this month a few of us went on a trip to give Eddie a hug and show our support. Part of the campaign is to create ‘moments of beauty’ through art and I was touched to be asked to contribute, here’s (a slightly out synch) play of ‘Human-all’ a song that i wrote in Plum Village over Winter that will be included there the record I’m making at the moment.

Kirby Misperton Protection Camp

The Karma Kitchen project began in Berkley in the States based on the idea of gift economy where people pay for one another. All on a donation basis the evening looks at themes of generosity and community with speakers, sharings and ethical food. Love to Trishna, Annie and Esteban for asking me to share some songs – was sweet to do.

The Karma Kitchen

Second recording this post, ‘Clouds’ version of The long time peace singer Betsy Rose’s song ‘Clouds Come Clouds Go’ – played this month at the some Plum Village gatherings, Quaker and garden days. The song talks about keeping a calm mind in troubled times. Photograph – the beach near my mother’s cottage in Marion, Cornwall. Appreciation again to Dear Steffi at Find A Song for sharing this.

Second of our Peace Sounds talking projects, a sharing with with songwriter and photographer Monica Max West – including Max’s song ‘We Are All Kinfrom Peace Sounds 2. We met in Max’s garden in London together with Roxy (pictured) to share about the role of song writing, following ones heart and sharing what comes with the world – with a few snuffs in there from Roxy! Max has just released a new record you can find it

with love


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